e-News: Thu Jan 10 2013

The Best of 2012

2013: Tips for Happy Living

In the scheme of our busy lives, of our work and our families, of bills and taxes, of hobbies and passions, it’s easy, from time to time, to feel like a ship lost without a compass. When those days come along, those moments where you find yourself forgetting who you are or where you’re going, just remember the following five points:

1. People Matter

Be they clients, fellow co-workers, the public at large caught in traffic control, children, or any other group of people, everyone is unique. People have different personalities, people handle situations differently, and how you treat them is a reflection of personal values. Make a point in 2013 of treating others with the respect and care they deserve.

2. Excellence Matters

Give your best effort in everything you do and you will never second guess whether or not you did all you could. You never know who is watching and learning from your actions: a child, a co-worker, a stranger, a potential client. Some people coast through life, giving mediocre attention to the most important things—marriages, children, jobs—but this is your life, so why waste it with mediocrity?

3. Consistency Matters: Slow and Steady Wins the Race

This is a news flash for some: the turtle won! In a world of immediacy and “gotta-have-it-now” attitude, consistency and dependability stand out. Make long-term plans and short-term corrections and remember that the most important goals are accomplished over time, not in a microwave minute.

4. Principles Matter...Financial and Otherwise

If today’s version of “normal” is to be in debt and keeping up appearances for your neighbors or in-laws, strive to be “weird”. Those so-called “normal” people did not survive so well when the housing market crashed and they’ve felt the pain of this recession all the more as a result. Too many people fail to focus on their finances and saving. When, one day, the money runs out, they wonder one day where it all went. So focus on being “weird”: be debt free.

5. A Higher Calling Matters

Spend every day living for something larger than yourself. Do what you are called on to do and always remember that you are more than the task at hand.

So as we move into 2013, make sure never to forget the five points above, or that, in the big picture you really do matter as well. Rest assured that this year will be a great one: throw yourself into living life happily, frugally, and with strong work ethic and kindness, and your efforts will undoubtedly pay off in spades.

(Adapted in part and inspired by Dave Ramsey)

The Best of 2012

In the entertainment world, they call this time of year "awards season." Team Elmer's likes to participate in that tradition as well, and while we may not have an awards show as glitzy and glamorous as the Oscars and the Golden Globes, we love the 'year in review' thing as much as anyone. So, without further ado, 2012's winners are...(Click on the links to see additional photos and learn more about the cool stuff we did last year.)

Most Spaghetti Under the Road Award
You never know what you're going to find during a large-scale excavation project and our reconstruction of Traverse City's Pine & State Street intersection was no exception. The nearly 15,000 lineal feet of newly installed noodle-like utility piping beneath the road was quite the whopper!

Deepest Dig Award
Team Elmer's had to dig down 100 feet in order to install auger cast piles for a water tower in Saginaw. For those trying to picture just how deep the excavation went, picture a ten-story building in the ground or slightly more than the length of a professional basketball court. Yowza!

The "Most Luxurious" Award
In order to complete our task of overhauling and reconstructing the Grand Traverse Resort parking lot, we had to pry our eyes away from the glorious sight of the building itself, a towering five-star hotel and spa with one of the best views in town. Talk about challenges!

Wettest Job Without Getting Wet Award
When we went down to West Branch to install a new box culvert at LaPorte Creek I-75 needed to stay open during construction. LaPorte Creek was routed through part of the existing culvert structure that was scheduled to be replaced.  Once the new culvert was in place, the river was allowed to flow through the new culvert while the older culvert was removed.

Muckiest Yuckiest Award
Our guys found themselves knee-deep in muck this past spring, doing a 14-foot excavation in the access road near Grand Traverse Commons. The result, a newly revamped Silver Drive, remains a gleaming reminder of our dirtiest work of the year and is also a Builders Exchange Award of Excellence Winner!

Most Family Friendly Award
Ever since Good Morning America named Sleeping Bear Dunes the most beautiful place in America, its need for a great, non-motorized trail has only increased. We answered the call of duty, paving an old logging road through the lakeshore to complete phase one of the Sleeping Bear Heritage Trail, a scenic, 27-mile path that will give future families the nature tour of a lifetime.

Best View of the Bay Award
We like to think our work is beautiful in and of itself, but few things can hold a candle to the panoramic bayview we caught while assisting in the removal of a near-water cell phone tower.

Consistency Award
Concrete. LOTS of concrete. Any way you define it, our concrete team is second to none when it comes to consistency... Consistent integrity, consistent service creates the best concrete mix in town.

Drowning Dozer Award
We were about ready to call Noah and start building an ark when we got hit by not one, but TWO rainstorms of the century (all in three days!) while installing a box culvert at the Plett Road Roundabout in Cadillac. Our crew was persistent and got the culvert set before the large storm hit.

Shiniest Truck Trailers Award
One glance at the picture to the left should be enough to explain this one. Just look at those gleaming carriers! It's almost like we're driving trucks made out of mirrors!

Most Remote Award
It almost felt (and looked) like a vacation when we escaped to South Manitou Island to complete storage tank replacement project.

Farthest Away Job That Still Felt Like Home Award
From the moment we set foot in Burt Township in Grand Marais, we felt welcome. As we worked to revamp the local water system, we built a friendly rapport with local businesses and residents and earned the kind of grateful reaction that makes our jobs so worth it.

The Life Saving Award

Well wouldn't you know!? Our Safety Steve's CPR class paid off when Joey Randall and Brian Tregear saved a man's life in Scotville. Way to go fellas!

Most of all, though, we want to extend an award to our friends, customers, and supporters, all of whom helped to make 2012 such a great year for us. With any luck, 2013 will be every bit as monumental.

From all of us at Team Elmer's to all of you, thank you and Happy New Year!

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P.O. Box 6150
3600 Rennie School Rd.
Traverse City, MI   49685