Kids Creek Restoration

kids creek

Project Overview

Challenge: Working during the rainy season and controlling silt and turbidity of water; shutting down work for concerts; limited access to site.

Solution: Building sand traps to prevent soils from moving downstream and patience.

Over the last 15 years, the Watershed Center and others have made significant improvements to repair, restore, and enhance Kids Creek, which is on the state impaired waters list. 

Historically, thunderstorms washed sand into Kids Creek. The sand filled up all the holes in the creek and washed into the Boardman River, which then created a sand bar in Grand Traverse Bay at the mouth of the Boardman River. The sediment in the creek also created narrow banks, which led to flooding whenever it rained. 

Team Elmer’s was hired to restore a section of Kids Creek to its natural, and functioning, state by removing ... Read more

Click here to download a PDF of "Kids Creek Restoration"


Project Details

The Watershed Center Grand Traverse Bay
Traverse City, MI
AECOM, (231) 935-4285

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Home Office:

231.943.8975  Fax

P.O. Box 6150
3600 Rennie School Rd.
Traverse City, MI   49685