An Earthly Shelter

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Project Overview

Challenge: Largest Michigan underground self-sustaining home environment

Solution: Shotcrete Concrete Mix with 3/8" peastone for exterior wall

An underground earth dome shelter built in Mt Pleasant, Michigan used more than 860,000 pounds of Team Elmer’s concrete to complete the shelter’s facade.

Earth sheltering is the architectural practice of using earth against building walls for external thermal mass, to reduce heat loss, and to easily maintain a steady indoor air temperature.

Known as “Earth Shelter Project Michigan,” the project is the largest of its kind in the nation at nearly 13,000 square feet. It features five domes that include a residence, guesthouse, barn, greenhouse and connecting units. Animals in the barn range from chic... Read more

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Project Details

Hybrid Homes LLC
Mt Pleasant, MI

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Home Office:

231.943.8975  Fax

P.O. Box 6150
3600 Rennie School Rd.
Traverse City, MI   49685